Our Mission:
To support college educational opportunities for economically challenged students by assisting with the funding students will
need as they prepare academically for high school. Financial assistance will also be available for those economically
challenged students whom wish to further their education, by providing funds to assist them in navigating the college
search and admissions process.
To carry out our purpose, we work in conjunction with various athletic events to accept donations and raise money for the foregoing purposes.
LaMont Frazier, President
Maranda Peterson, Secretary
Board Members:
Eric L. Smith-Breeden
Bob Scott Harris, Jr.
Kevin Cheshire, Chairman
The Frazier Foundation was established in 2013, as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization. Our goal is to help North Carolina's youth by offering them scholarships to offset the costs associated with attending college. We want all youth to have a chance at achieving their dreams of attaining higher education, despite financial hardships.